Sept 2015


                Minutes for Regular Meeting of Sept. 8, 2015

Present:  Supervisors Tina McKeever, Roger McKeever, Bruce Martinson; Clerk, Doug Schwecke; Treasurer, Alicia Kangas; Fire Chief, Phil Bonin; Commissioner, Ginny Storlie; residents of Schroeder.

The meeting was called to order by T. McKeever at 7:00 PM.

The agenda for Sept. 8, 2015 was presented. R. McKeever moved to approve the agenda as presented.  B. Martinson seconded.  Motion carried.


The minutes of Aug. 12, 2015 were presented. B. Martinson moved to approve the minutes of Aug. 12, 2015 as presented. R. McKeever seconded.  Minutes approved.

Treasurer’s Report:  Receipts for Aug totaled $923.05.  Disbursements totaled $3,712.80.  Ending checkbook balance as of Aug 31, 2015 was $53,620.38. B. Martinson moved to approve the Treasurer’s report and to approve transferring another $5,000 from checking to our money market acct.  R. McKeever seconded.  Motion carried.  R. McKeever moved to approve checks 3625- 3640 in the amount of $2,824.59.  T. McKeever seconded.  Motion carried.

Lodging Tax debit slip for July in the amount of $5,391.04 was approved and signed.


Commissioner Storlie: reported that the Commissioners voted 4-1 to approve a long awaited land exchange with the Forest Service. She urged everyone to attend the public hearing on the new draft of the Cook County Land Use Plan, 6:30 on Sept 14 at the community center Also a telecommunication center will be set up at Birch Grove Community Center with money from a Blandin Foundation grant, on a one year trial. The Commissioners are working on the budget for next year. Commissioners met with MNDOT and David Betts to help clarify the job description for the county engineer. Also looking to hire an asst. county engineer. Working on a comprehensive trail plan.

Five proposed resolutions dealing with requests for support were read. Discussion followed on the merits of each request and concern from residents that all legal issues had been addressed. All the resolutions have been reviewed by attorneys at MAT. One mistake that was pointed out, that Statute 471.84 deals with cemeteries, not schools. It should be Statute 471.85 and will be corrected.  The minutes from the Annual meeting were reviewed to get the exact wording from the motions passed and by what majority. Current enrollment numbers at Birch Grove School were discussed as well as the viability of the school in the future. After more than an hour of discussion the following actions were taken.

  1. Martinson moved to approve Resolution 2015-2, a resolution approving a service contract with Timberwolves Sportsman’s Club for trail work for $1,000 to be paid in July, 2016. Second by R. McKeever. Motion carried unanimously.
  2. Martinson moved to approve Resolution 2015-3, a resolution approving a contribution to Lutsen Alpine Ski Team for $500 to be paid in Dec. 2015. Motion died for lack of second.
  3. McKeever moved to approve Resolution 2015-3, a resolution approving a contribution to Lutsen Alpine Ski Team for $500 to be paid in July, 2016. Second by B. Martinson. Motion carried with T. McKeever and B. Martinson voting aye and R. McKeever voting nay.
  4. McKeever moved to approve Resolution 2015-4, a resolution approving $1,500 to Tofte Township for the 4th of July celebration to be paid in July, 2016. Second by B. Martinson. Motion carried unanimously.

The resolutions concerning Birch Grove Foundation and Birch Grove School were tabled until Oct to clarify wording and get current enrollment numbers and to see if need has changed.

Procedures to streamline the donation process were discussed. Action tabled until Oct for further review.

SAHS:  This year’s exhibit, “Lost Resorts” has been well received. Next year’s exhibit will be “Taconite Harbor Revisited”.

Fire and Rescue: No meeting yet this month because of Labor Day. Phil is talking to 3 possible new members. There were no fire calls, but quite a few accident calls.  They are still shopping for an air compressor. The shower area needs to be retiled. Discussed changing the layout as well. T. McKeever will contact Bayham about an epoxy coating for the floor. Also discussed stand-by power options.

Road and Bridge: Rick Anderson presented updated recommendations and cost estimates for the Road Inventory committee. T. McKeever moved to approve up to $500 to have Karl Crawford brush the west side of the north-south section of Skou Rd. Sugarloaf Rd. has been mowed. Repairs of trouble spots of asphalt on Baraga and Schroeder-Tote Rds. will cost about $20,000. Decided to postpone repairs until next year to see if any money could be obtained from the state park roads fund. Bill is working to get the two open culverts on Sugarloaf Rd fixed. Clerk was asked to find the resolution approving Sugarloaf Rd as a minimum maintenance road. Additional signage for Sugarloaf was also discussed.


Cemetery: nothing

Recreation: The Supervisors viewed the fence at the ball park prior to the meeting. The tall section on the north side is leaning in quite a bit and some posts on the west side are pushing up out of the ground. Decided to try straightening the fence when it dries out a little more, but not to spend a lot of money on it as it is hardly used at all.

Maintenance: The sewer line is draining, but is very slow. R. McKeever will contact Scott Robinson to look at it.

Other Business: A public meeting will be held for the proposed new Cook County Land Use Plan at 6:30 on Sept. 14. One table showed that Tofte had 29 parcels totaling 109 developable acres, while Schroeder had 120 parcels totaling 1481 acres. Discussed Tofte’s request to be reimbursed for stipends paid to Rescue Squad responders. Clerk was asked to contact Tofte to have this included in the new contract that needs to be completed by next year. A mortgage release for Scott Waterhouse’s property in the Fradenberg development was approved and signed. Since B. Martinson has completed the necessary training the Township can hold its own BE&A. T. McKeever moved to approve Schroeder Township holding a Board of Appeals and Equalization in 2016. Second by R. McKeever. Motion carried. Jeff Borling from Great River Energy would like to meet with a Supervisor to explain economic development programs available to the Township. B. Martinson will schedule a meeting with him.

Correspondence: Sent: Levy certification to County Auditor

Received: Int. Day of Peace, DFL primary debate- Sept 16

  1. McKeever moved to adjourn. B. Martinson seconded. Motion carried. Adjourned at 10:23 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Doug Schwecke, Schroeder Township Clerk