SCHROEDER TOWNSHIP                                                                                                          Minutes of the Annual Meeting of March 14, 2017

The Annual Town Meeting was called to order at 8:01 PM by Clerk Doug Schwecke

Clerk led about 30 people in attendance in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

Clerk asked for nominations for a Moderator. Peter Borson was nominated. Skip Lamb moved to close nominations and cast a unanimous ballot for Peter Borson. Tina McKeever seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Moderator Peter Borson took over the meeting.

Rick Anderson moved to approve the agenda as presented. Bill Christ seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Ginny Storlie reported that the Commissioners would be starting the budget process earlier this year. They will be holding listening sessions through-out the county to get public input earlier in the process. The county communication committee is working to improve communication between commissioners, other departments, constituents and emergency notifications. The DNR has approve a parcel near Britton Peak to be logged. She and others have tried to stop it as it could impact the many trails in the area, but failed. They have convinced them to stay at least 100 feet from established trails. Money has been approved to help finish the Gitchi- Gami Trail between Ski Hill and Lutsen. There will be an informational program on April 4, “Property tax and how it works”.

Mary Somnis gave a short presentation, with handouts, about the workforce housing project in Lutsen. One Roof Housing will be building and operating the project. One Roof will also be putting up about 10 single family houses in Grand Marais and may take over the Tofte housing project.

Skip Lamb moved to waive the reading of and to approve the minutes of the Annual Meeting of March 8, 2016. Cathy Johnson seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Clerk presented the annual Treasurer’s Report for 2016, prepared by Treasurer Alicia Kangas, showing a beginning balance of $220,454.17, receipts of $127,787.85, disbursements of $136,812.61, leaving an ending balance of $211,429.41. The Schroeder Business Development Revolving Loan Program showing a bank balance of $91,983.32, no outstanding loans, for a total of $91,983.32. Skip Lamb moved to approve the Treasurers report and thank Alicia for her work on the Board. Darren Peck seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Election results were announced showing Rick Anderson received 30 votes and Bill McKeever 28 votes for Supervisor. Carla Menssen received 37 out of 41 votes cast for Treasurer.

Roger McKeever presented the Road Report. Projects in 2016 included regrading and mapping culverts on Sugarloaf Rd. and repair of drainage lines under the town hall parking lot. We are currently leasing the MN Power maintenance building to store township equipment and as a water source for the Fire Dept. They are working to get the heating system adjusted to lower LP usage. This year the parking lot will be resurfaced and probably spreading about 100 yds. of gravel on Sugarloaf Rd.

Bruce Martinson reported on the cemetery. There are currently 306 lots, of which 123 are occupied, 130 sold but not occupied, and 53 unsold.

Recreation- Tina McKeever reported that some projects completed last year were clean-up around the town hall area and the anchor garden, adding bench on the porch, and painting the ball park buildings, with monetary help from a Great Place Race grant. Care of the Welcome Walls was discussed. Volunteers are encouraged to help. Projects for this year include staining the steps and Silver Field sign, adding Schroeder Township signs and planting perennials.

Fire Chief Phil Bonin reported the Fire Dept. is now up to 13 members. 5 new members are completing fire training. Last year there were 3 calls; 1 structure fire and a couple of vehicle accidents.

Phil Bonin also presented the Rescue Squad report. Last year there were 42 calls, split about half and half between Schroeder and Tofte. The crew of volunteers are now trained to administer injections. They replaced their vehicle this year and sold the old one to Grand Marais. They also added a rescue sled with money from a grant and donations from all three townships. They also started a search and rescue team of 5 members based out of Tofte.

Cory Larson from Lake County Ambulance Service asked for financial support as they cover part of Schroeder Township. They responded to 10 calls in Schroeder last year and averaged 7.3 calls over the last 5 years. After discussion, it was referred to the Board for research and action.

Linda Lamb moved to set the time for the next Annual Meeting to be 8:01 PM March 13, 2018 at the Schroeder Town Hall. Bill Christ seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Linda Lamb moved to set the Annual Election Poll hours at 5-8 PM for 2018. Rick Anderson seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Jan Dillon moved to approve Alicia Kangas as Citizen of the Year. Cathy Johnson seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Congratulations and thank you Alicia!

The 2017 Budget, which was approved by the Supervisors at the Feb. 14, 2017 Board meeting, was presented by the clerk. General-$41,250 (includes $4,250 of approved requests for support), Road & Bridge-$50,000, Cemetery- $2,000, Recreation- $4,000, Fire Dept.- $21,500, Fire Relief-$6,500, Rescue Squad- $13,000, Radio Replacement- $1,000   TOTAL- $139,250.  Estimated receipts for 2017 are $134,930.

Requests for Support for 2018

Tofte Township– is requesting $1,500 to help defray the costs for the 4th of July celebration and fireworks. This is the only request requiring approval by the voters, to set a maximum amount to be given. Rick Anderson moved to approve $1,500 to Tofte for the 4th of July celebration. Skip Lamb seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

W.E.CONNECT is asking for $11,000 to continue programs at the community center. The Birch Grove Taskforce has been meeting every Monday evening for the last 8 weeks to try to improve utilization of the Birch Grove Community Center. Bill Christ, a member of the taskforce, explained his proposal. He would recommend that W.E.CONNECT be disbanded or adopted to a fundraising entity. Birch Grove School would take over management of the building, reducing their rent cost, and administration of W.E.CONNECT programs under community education. This is his proposal, receiving support from most taskforce members, but has not been adopted as a recommendation by the taskforce yet. After further discussion, Dan Sommerdorf moved to recommend that the Board decide after the taskforce has completed their work. Skip Lamb seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Citizen Concerns: Linda Lamb requested a round of applause and a thank you to Bill McKeever for his many years of service as a Township Supervisor.

Tina McKeever moved to table setting the 2018 tax levy until Aug. 9. Dan Sommerdorf seconded. Motion carried.

Bill McKeever moved to continue the meeting until 7 PM, Aug. 9, 2017 at the Schroeder Town Hall, for the purpose of setting the 2018 levy. Skip Lamb seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Meeting was continued at 9:22 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Doug Schwecke, Clerk



Minutes of the continuation of the 2017 Annual Meeting

The meeting was called to order by Clerk Doug Schwecke at 7 PM on August 9, 2017.

Clerk asked for nominations for Moderator. Bruce Martinson moved to cast a unanimous ballot for Phil Bonin as Moderator. Second by Rick Anderson. Motion carried unanimously.

Moderator Phil Bonin took over the meeting.

The 2018 levy was discussed. Clerk presented a projected budget for 2018. Working off this projection the Supervisors have recommended a levy of $55,000. Rick Anderson moved to set the 2018 Schroeder Township Tax Levy at $55,000. Charlie Muggley seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Moderator Bonin asked for any public comments.

  1. Charlie Muggley asked the significance of changing the word “donations” to “appropriations” in the projected budget. Response-While it means the same thing to us, “appropriations” is the wording used in the statutes.

2.It was asked if the Board has adopted the Birch Grove Taskforce recommendations. Response-Not yet, they are still waiting to see how things settle out.

  1. WEConnect has moved into the lower level of the Fishing Museum.

Rick Anderson moved to adjourn. Second by Tina McKeever. Motion carried.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:14 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Doug Schwecke, Clerk

Phil Bonin, Moderator