Aug. 12, 2020

                          SCHROEDER TOWNSHIP

      Minutes for Regular Board Meeting of August 12, 2020

*Due to the Emergency Declaration of Covid-19, The meeting was held virtually on Zoom. All votes are by voice roll call.

Present: Supervisors Tina McKeever, Rick Anderson, Bruce Martinson; Deputy Clerk Doug Schwecke; Treasurer Carla Menssen,

The meeting was called to order by Chair T. McKeever at 7:00 PM

R. Anderson moved to approve the agenda as presented. B. Martinson seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Eric Sutherland, from Mn Power, reported that currently the site is being checked weekly and would be open to visits by Fire or Police Depts and pumps are still operational for fire dept use. They are amending the environmental permit to begin removing coal next spring. It will be trucked out at about 10 loads/day. There are about 4,000 loads, so it will take a while. The ash cell site is in the process of being closed and covered. It will continue to be monitored going forward. The maintenance building is being rented out. A representative will attend our Oct. or Nov. meeting to report on redevelopment options.

B. Martinson moved to approve the minutes of July 7 special and July 14, 2020 regular town board meetings as presented. R. Anderson seconded. Motion carried unanimously, with R. Anderson abstaining on the July 14 meeting, as he was not present.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Carla Menssen reported; Receipts for July totaled $49,563.69. Disbursements totaled $5,001.85. The ending checkbook balance, as of July 31, 2020, was $98,313.78, and a Total Balance of $236,183.38. R. Anderson moved to approve the treasurer’s report and checks #4885-4902, in the amount of $6,597.75. B. Martinson seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Lodging tax amounts for May were not in yet

Fire Dept: Clerk read a report from Fire Chief Bonin. Last month the department responded to 1 accident, 2 carbon monoxide false calls and 4 rescue calls. They met with Tofte Fire Dept and practiced pumping water from Lake Superior. PERA report showed the fire retirement account is doing well and the township does not have to remit any funds for 2020. Tina will check on separation date for Nathan Clay. MATIT thought our insurance value on firefighting equipment, currently at $40,000, was low. Clerk will check with Phil on what it should be.

Commissioner Storlie: Commissioner Storlie was not present.

Road and Bridge: Rick reported we have received the permit from MN DNR to replace the culvert for Sugaloaf Creek. Charles VanDoren has replaced the two culverts approved in May. Rick has quotes from Laboda Grading to replace the Sugarloaf Creek culvert ($4,450) and the deep one on the north end (7,450). If both are approved, they will grade Sugarloaf for free. B. Martinson moved to approve replacement of culverts at Sugarloaf Creek for $4450 and the north one for $7450, including grading. T. McKeever seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Rick will check to see if current contract holders for snow plowing will extend current contracts for one more year.

Cemetery: Bruce reported he is in the process of moving and resetting the water tank and installing a line into the cemetery with 4 watering stations. He asked permission to hire Steve Betbeck? to help with the installation. Approved. A possible use of a Great Place grant next spring would be a couple of benches at the cemetery.

Recreation: Bruce installed extra signage at the park to try to curb the garbage left at the park. It seems to be helping. Will continue to monitor it. The West End Garden Club is volunteering to help clean up the flower beds at the Welcome Walls.

Maintenance: Rick is having trouble getting any contractors to work on the town hall projects. The gutter replacements are scheduled for this year yet, but the others might have to wait until next spring.

Other Business: CARES Act funding of $5425 has been received. Bruce has ordered hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes and reusable masks. He has given some to the fire dept. and has scheduled a giveaway for residents on Aug. 13&14, at the post office. We should have about $1500 left to spend. Bruce has also made a few calls about our loan program but has not heard back from anyone yet.

Correspondence: Sent- CARES Act funding application, letter of support for EDA grant

Received 2021 Town Aid amount- $3809

Public Comments: None

R. Anderson moved to adjourn. B. Martinson seconded. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:46 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Doug Schwecke, Deputy Clerk