Oct. 13, 2020

                          SCHROEDER TOWNSHIP

      Minutes for Regular Board Meeting of October 13, 2020

*Due to the Emergency Declaration of Covid-19, The meeting was held virtually on Zoom. All votes are by voice roll call.

Present: Supervisors Tina McKeever, Bruce Martinson; Clerk Anna Green; Treasurer Carla Menssen; Fire Chief Phil Bonin, Commissioner Storlie, Minnesota Power; Nancy Noor and Arik Forsman, Director of Habitat Protection; Michael Pressman, and residents of Schroeder.

The meeting was called to order by Chair T. McKeever at 7:00 PM

B. Martinson moved to approve the agenda as presented. T. McKeever seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

B. Martinson moved to approve the minutes of September 8th regular town board meetings as presented. T. McKeever seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Director of Region Development Nancy Noor and regional development team member Arik Forsman from Minnesota power presented at the meeting about gathering information for redevelopment at Taconite Harbor in the future and transition away from coal and coal fired power.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Carla Menssen reported; Receipts for September totaled $40,226.07. Disbursements totaled $9,093.72. The ending checkbook balance, as of September 31, 2020, was $128,401.64 and a Total Balance of $266,363.91 apart from $95,492.22 in economic development money. B. Martinson moved to approve the treasurer’s report and checks #4922-4939, in the amount of $15,567.43. T. McKeever seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Lodging Tax for July is $7,210.04. June’s lodging tax will be posted next meeting.

Commissioner Storlie: The highway engineer gave a 10-year plan for the roads and bridges in the county. James Joerke, a new administrator spoke briefly about doing work with different departments and introducing himself. They talked about supporting the continued out of class employment for Rena Rogers and felt it was important for her to be there for James. The first of each board meeting they have emergency updating. They are now recommending that if you encounter someone with COVID, that you wait 7 days before getting tested. 10 cases have now been confirmed in Cook County. Bob Thompson stated that there is now a Minnesota statute that all assessors will now be appointed for 4 years. Tim Nelson came before the board to talk about the renewal of the group that handles the vacation rentals. Next year it will be renewed. Tim stated that 150-170 people have the license.

Fire Dept: Phil reported that they had there monthly meeting and discussed grants. They went through truck and equipment costs. Discussed their fire fighting 1 on 2 training coming up which is mainly online with 2 or 3 weekends on hands and a test in December. A few accidents have been reported but no fire calls. Tina asked about the vehicle estimate replacement value, if it was to make sure our insurance policy is sufficient. Phil confirmed. Bruce felt that we should go for full replacement value and to look into quotes.  

Road and Bridge: Bruce reported LaBoda stated they are hoping to replace the 2 culverts on the Sugarloaf by the end of the week and that the road may have to be closed overnight. Tina and Carla stated that a portion of the Sugarloaf and Cramer roads were graded.  

Cemetery: Bruce reported that the waterlines were installed along with 4 watering stations with a 5th extension. This will make it easier for watering plants. Steve Vetvick and Bruce levelled out the ditch from the water line and put in grass seed. There were 5 wheelbarrows full of dirt that Steve and Bruce conserved to help with leveling out sunken grave sites. The water tank is to get emptied before it freezes. Carla noted that it looks great at the cemetery. Bruce stated that he wanted to thank Carla Menssen and Skip Lamb for working hard at the cemetery. T. McKeever made the motion to approve the sale of lots 3 and 4 of block 35 to Gregg and Marie-Anne Westigard. B Martinson seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Maintenance: Bruce stated he contacted Tim Goettl about the bathroom project. Tim request that we wait to November as they are busy. Bruce stated yes, that is okay as events are not taking place due to COVID.

Other Business: T. McKeever moved to approve the renewal of the Temperance Liquor License. B. Martinson seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The Director of Habitat Protection, Michael Pressman presented at the meeting about land acquisition. He coordinates the real estate team for the nature conservancy in Minnesota. Mike Freed connected with Michael about buying and conserving his lands. All properties are located in the Superior National Forest. They closed on the acquisition of the Freed Tracts on October 1st. CARES Act Funds need to be recalculated to see what the township has left to spend. Tina asked if there was anything the Craft Baazar may need that can be used with the CARES act funds. Bruce stated that this subject is okay. Due to COVID, town board members discussed renting the town hall to the public. It was decided on, if the Minnesota Association of Township approves, the town hall can be rented if the party goes through a Cook County Health Coordinator first to have a specific plan for a group gathering. Supervisor Rick Anderson put in his resignation letter. The Township of Schroeder is looking for a Supervisor as a replacement until the next election in March. It was suggested by a resident of Schroeder that it should be advertised. Tina stated she put the call out on the radio for anybody interested. An ad will also be posted in the Cook County News Herald for 2 weeks.

Correspondence: Sent- None

Received None

Public Comments: None

T. McKeever moved to adjourn. B. Martinson seconded. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:47 PM.

Respectfully submitted, Anna Green, Clerk