Aug. 10, 2016

                          SCHROEDER TOWNSHIP

      Minutes for Regular Board Meeting of Aug. 10, 2016

Present: Supervisors, Tina McKeever, Roger McKeever, Bruce Martinson; Clerk, Doug Schwecke; Treasurer Alicia Kangas; Fire Chief, Phil Bonin; Asst. Clerk Gale Ring, Commissioner Ginny Storlie, and residents of Schroeder.

The meeting was called to order by T. McKeever at 7:05PM.

B. Martinson moved to approve the agenda as presented. R. McKeever seconded. Motion carried.

R. McKeever moved to approve the minutes of July 19, 2016 as presented. B. Martinson seconded. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Receipts for July totaled $27,925.90. Disbursements totaled $17,224.43. The ending checkbook balance as of July 31, 2016 was $59,106.21, and a Total Balance of $203,396.16. B. Martinson moved to approve the treasurer’s report. R. McKeever seconded. Motion carried.

B. Martinson moved to approve checks #3844-3861 in the amount of $3,104.88. R. McKeever seconded. Motion carried.

Lodging tax debit slip for May, $2,263.45, was approved and signed.

Commissioner Storlie: reported they are considering creating a new position of Land Services Director. Planning & Zoning would be under this department. EDA has requested a letter of support for $175,000 to be used for work-force housing in Grand Marais. Grants and state aid monies may be available to help cover the County’s obligation for this. She is working to update the Law Library in the Courthouse. There will be a public hearing on Aug. 15 to gather input on the proposed ½% sales tax to be used for transportation infrastructure. It would raise about $750,000/yr. If this isn’t passed, the levy would have to be raised to cover the high cost of maintaining the County’s roads.

Fire and Rescue: Phil reported that the meeting Monday evening was well attended, with one new prospective member. There were no calls last month. They are looking at adding more shelving, a gas cabinet, cord reels and having the changing room tiled. Charlie Muggley reported on his efforts to bring the Fire Relief paperwork up to date. According to the OSA the Town Board needs to approve any changes in membership (additions, changes in status, retirements). The Board of Trustees for the Fire Relief also needs to have two members from the Town Board. R. McKeever moved to approve new members, Kelly Schliep, Bryan VanDoren, Joel Bonin, Mark Buckman, and the change to inactive for Scott Pearson, Nathan Clay, and Peter Borson as per the minutes of the Schroeder Fire Relief Association. T. McKeever seconded. Motion carried.

T. McKeever moved to appoint Supervisor Roger McKeever and Clerk Doug Schwecke to the Schroeder Fire Relief Association’s Board of Trustees. B. Martinson seconded. Motion carried.

Road and Bridge: Rick Anderson and Greg Vetter will be taking elevations of the parking lot to see if some catch basins can be eliminated. This would be a substantial savings. Still looking at an Aug. 20 starting date. Discussed whether to keep current snowplowing contracts or to advertise for new ones. B. Martinson moved to keep both current snowplowing contracts for this coming season and open them both up for 2017-18. R. McKeever seconded. Motion carried.

Cemetery: Discussed the problem of more than one deed having been issued for certain lots. Not all copies of deeds issued previously can be found. Bruce M. and Doug S. will do an inventory of the lots. Going forward, copies of all deeds issued will be kept on file and all transfers will be mentioned in the minutes. T. McKeever moved to approve a deed to Christine Jacobson for Lot 12, Block 26, to replace a deed for Lot 5, Block 24. B. Martinson seconded. Motion carried.

Recreation: The ball park bleachers have been painted and the concession stand will be done shortly.

Maintenance: The septic tank will be pumped this week. Clerk to contact Karl C. about painting the steps and deck.

Other Business: The first draft of the revised Schroeder Township Land Use Plan was discussed. The next work session is scheduled for 6:30 PM on Aug. 15. Nothing new on the OSA request. Discussed a policy on authority to expend funds. Clerk will make the changes that were discussed and present it for approval next month.

Correspondence: Sent

                        Received Town Aid for 2017-$4,332, thank you from BGS, MAT District 10 meeting- Aug 25


Public Comments: none

B. Martinson moved to adjourn. T. McKeever seconded. Motion carried.

Adjourned at 8:42 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Doug Schwecke, Clerk