Oct. 10, 2017

                          SCHROEDER TOWNSHIP

      Minutes for Regular Board Meeting of October 10, 2017

Present: Supervisors, Tina McKeever, Bruce Martinson, Rick Anderson; Clerk Doug Schwecke; Treasurer Carla Menssen; Fire Chief Phil Bonin, Commissioner Storlie, and residents of Schroeder. Absent: Deputy Clerk Gale Ring

The meeting was called to order by B. Martinson at 7:00 PM.

T. McKeever moved to approve the agenda as ammended. R. Anderson seconded. Motion carried.

R. Anderson moved to approve the minutes of Sept.12, 2017 regular meeting as presented. T. McKeever seconded. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Carla Menssen reported-Receipts for September totaled $37,125.54. Disbursements totaled $9,828.61. The ending checkbook balance, as of Sept. 30, 2017, was $108,235.46, and a Total Balance of $253,069.67. T. McKeever moved to approve the treasurer’s report as presented. R. Anderson seconded. Motion carried.

T. McKeever moved to approve claims for checks #4172-4193 in the amount of $21,959.70. R. Anderson seconded. Motion carried.

The Lodging tax debit slip for July in the amount of $6,264.58, was approved and signed. Discussed keeping 4% of the money for use in Schroeder. It was decided that since LTTA does give money to SAHS for tourism duties, we are already keeping about the same amount.

Fire & Rescue: Phil reported that all current members were at last night’s meeting. Went over chimney fire season and worked on equipment. They discussed replacing the old brush truck with a newer used truck from the DNR. It was decided to seek Board approval. R. Anderson moved to approve check # 4194 for $8,250 for the purchase of a 2008 Ford 350 4X4 from the MN DNR, to replace the current brush truck. T. McKeever seconded Motion carried. Everything is on schedule for the transition to PERA. Discussed purchasing an events sign and a projector for the computer for training classes.

Road and Bridge: The parking lot repairs are done, except for removing the pile of old asphalt. A contractor has been hired to put up some fencing in an effort to keep the beaver from plugging up our culverts. Tried grading Sugarloaf last week but it was too wet. Will try next week. There hasn’t been any good class 5 gravel available this year, but we will have to find some for next year. Discussed supervisor pay rates. R. Anderson moved to set the hourly pay scale for supervisors at $25/hr. effective Oct 10, 2017. T. McKeever seconded. Motion carried.

Cemetery: The water tank has been emptied. Discussed an issue about the odd sizing of some of the plots. Recommended that Bruce Martinson use his best judgement when marking out the plots.

Recreation: Discussed purchasing a radar sign in an effort to slow traffic going through Schroeder. It was decided that it would cost too much for the possible benefit gained. T. McKeever moved to request a safety study, from MNDot, for the section of Hwy. 61 thru the Schroeder business district. R. Anderson seconded. Motion carried. New improved signage for Taconite Harbor Safe Harbor are on order and will be installed soon.

Maintenance: The Bob Silver sign is being painted now. The steps will have to wait until next year.

Other Business: Tofte passed a motion at their last meeting in support of Schroeder’s effort to detach from TSSSD. T. McKeever moved to approve renewal of the liquor license for Temperance Liquors. B. Martinson seconded. Motion carried 2-0, wit R. Anderson abstaining.

Commissioner Storlie: Last week was the groundbreaking for the housing project in Grand Marais. A new engineer has not been hired yet. Alison McIntyre was hired from within as the new director of Public Health and Human Services. There will be a public meeting on the design for remaking Co. Rd. 45. There will be an information pamphlet included with next tax statement, explaining the budget process and what the money is spent on. The Lutsen housing project is slated to begin next spring.

Public comments: Charlie Muggley asked Ginny what were the chances of getting the levy reduced. Ginny answered-Not much. It was asked, who was eligible for a property tax refund and concerns about the County funding at Superior National Golf Course.

Correspondence: Sent– Mn Power lease termination notice, roads certification

Received  thank you from Tofte(senior lunch), legal opinion for Lutsen Twp.

Discussed the legal opinion for Lutsen Twp concerning donating money to Birch Grove School.

R. Anderson moved to adjourn. T. McKeever seconded. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:48 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Doug Schwecke, Clerk