Minutes for Regular Board Meeting of Jan. 13, 2015

Present: Supervisors, Tina McKeever, Roger McKeever, Deb Johnson; Clerk, Doug Schwecke; Treasurer, Alicia Kangas; Fire Chief, Phil Bonin; Asst. Clerk Gale Ring, Commissioner Ginny Storlie, and residents of Schroeder.

The meeting was called to order by T. McKeever at 7:06PM.

  1. McKeever moved to approve the minutes of Dec. 9, 2014. D. Johnson seconded. Minutes approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Receipts for Dec. totaled $2,562.43. Disbursements totaled $2,248.18. The ending checkbook balance as of Dec. 31, 2014 was $48,416.33. R. McKeever moved to approve the treasurer’s report. D. Johnson seconded. Treasurer’s Report was approved.

  1. McKeever moved to approve checks #3440-3465 in the amount of $5,345.56. D. Johnson seconded. Motion passed.

Lodging tax debit slip for Nov. in the amount of $890.89 was approved and signed.

Commissioner Storlie: We welcomed Ginny Storlie as our new County Commissioner. She reported that she’s been on the job for about 2 weeks now and has quite a busy schedule. She has been appointed to about 20 boards and commissions, pretty much the same ones that our former Commissioner Bruce Martinson was on. That should help with continuity of interest and information. Currently the Board is in the process of hiring a new administrator.

Bruce Martinson reported on his findings about a question from last month. What is the effect of a $10,000 increase in the Township tax levy on homesteaded properties. $10,000 would cause an increase of about $3.77/$100,000 value.

SAHS-Linda Lamb reported that an interview with Maybelle Skou and Bev Johnson are on Mn. Reflections at www.reflections.mndigital.org. We have received their last audited financials for 2013 and a letter from Mn Historical Society stating our legal ability to support SAHS. Also received an email from MAT stating the Town Board can donate on their own. The Board has decided that any donation be approved by the voters. The Township website has a link to CRHC.

Skip Lamb went over snow day policies and safety for the kids at BG School. $1500 was raised at a book sale to be used for classroom materials. The kids did very well on the latest testing.

Fire and Rescue: Phil reported that at their meeting last night they discussed ways to keep their roster up. They are in danger of falling below 10 members which could affect state aid. Had a rescue meeting to go over efforts with the double drowning deaths at Bluefin Bay. Discussed radios. They are covered by our insurance but replacements could be an issue as they cost about $2500 each. Discussed setting up a special replacement fund. Action tabled until Feb budget meeting.

Road and Bridge: Bill reported lack of snow has made plowing a non-issue so far. Skip Lamb presented his trucking report for 2014. Also asked that we revisit upgrading Cramer Rd. R. McKeever moved to have the Clerk send a letter to the County requesting Cramer Rd. be put on the 5 year plan for upgrading to a 10 ton road. Second by T. McKeever. Motion carried.

Cemetery: Discussed trimming the perimeter trees to 10 feet to try to help keep traffic off of the cemetery.

Recreation: Plans for improvements at the Township Park will be broken down into smaller projects and presented to the voters at the Annual Meeting.

Maintenance: No one wanted the old outside light so it will be junked.

Other Business: Rick Anderson stated that the bike trail that runs past Temperance Traders has, in previous years, been plowed by a private citizen. The DNR does not want the trail plowed, but would approve having it groomed for mixed use in winter. T. McKeever moved to approve the grooming of the Gitchi Gammi Trail from the wayside rest to Temperance River Rd by the Timberwolves Snowmobile Club. Second by D. Johnson. Motion carried. Filing for Township offices is now closed, with Deb Johnson and Bruce Martinson filing for Supervisor and Alicia Kangas for Treasurer. T. McKeever moved to approve Lavonne Anderson, Jan Dillon, Judy Gregg and Carol Tveekrem as election judges, with Gale Ring and Doug Schwecke as alternates. R. McKeever seconded. Motion carried. T. McKeever moved to approve the meeting schedule as presented. D Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Budget worksheet was passed out. 2015 budget will be set next month. Board of Audit will be next month. Don and Gale Ring have a walk behind snow blower he Township can have if they want it. The Board accepted it with thanks. T. McKeever reported on the progress at the Land Use meetings she has been attending. Public input meeting for this will be in Feb.

Correspondence: Sent–  various year-end reports

                        Received- MAT calendars, FD certification, conditional use permit hearing, BGF thank you, soil composting(6), TSSSD election results

  1. McKeever moved to adjourn. D. Johnson seconded. Motion carried.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:45, followed by cake served to thank Bruce Martinson for his years of service as our County Commissioner.

Respectfully submitted,


Doug Schwecke, Clerk