July 11, 2017

                          SCHROEDER TOWNSHIP

      Minutes for Regular Board Meeting of July 11, 2017

Present: Supervisors, Tina McKeever, Bruce Martinson, Rick Anderson; Clerk Doug Schwecke; Deputy Clerk Gale Ring, Fire Chief Phil Bonin, Commissioner Storlie and residents of Schroeder. Absent: Treasurer Carla Menssen

The meeting was called to order by B. Martinson at 7:00 PM.

R. Anderson moved to approve the agenda as amended. T. McKeever seconded. Motion carried.

T. McKeever moved to approve the minutes of June 13, 2017 regular meeting as presented. R. Anderson seconded. Motion carried.

Commissioner Storlie: Ginny reported that County engineer David Betts has resigned to take a position in a different county. A search committee will begin to look for his replacement. They are considering remodeling and enlarging the community center. Ginny will be attending the National Assoc. of Counties conference next week. The long-range plan for the County recommends tax increases of 20% for 2018, 16% for 2019, and 10% for 2020. They feel this is needed to bring the budget up to what is needed. Discussion from the audience about what they feel is driving these increases and how these increases would hurt the residents of the county.

Other Business:  C. Muggley reported that Tofte Township has not decided yet if they want to dissolve TSSSD or not. We need to wait for their decision before moving ahead with detachment or dissolution.

Tofte Supervisor Craig Horak explained that at their special meeting on June 28, they appropriated $20,000 for youth programs payable to Birch Grove Community Services. This was for services rendered last year. WEConnect is no longer managing the building or programs at Birch Grove Community Center. Going forward Tofte Township will still own the building but will also manage the programs. WEConnect has indicated that they will be sending back $1375 of unused money for the senior lunch program, as they will no longer be running it. We have not received it yet. Tofte Twp. will now administer the senior lunch program. T. McKeever moved, that when we receive the money from WEConnect, the $1375 be given to Tofte Township, dedicated for the senior lunch program. R. Anderson seconded. Motion carried. Judy Motshenbacher requested that we also consider appropriating $20,000 to Birch Grove Community Services for youth programs run last year (year-round child care). The pros and cons, as well as the legalities, of this appropriation were discussed by the Board and audience for more than an hour. Chair Martinson called for an end to discussion and asked if there were any motions to be made. T. McKeever moved to give $10,000 to Tofte Township for the operation of the Birch Grove Community Center. Motion died for lack of second.

We received an estimate of about $250 to clear the backside of the 2 eastern Welcome Walls and have them planted to grass. We have not been able to find enough volunteers to maintain them anymore. R. Anderson moved to have Greg Johnson remove the brush and weeds on the back sides of the 2 eastern Welcome Walls and plant grass in them. T. McKeever seconded. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Clerk read the prepared report from Treasurer Carla Menssen -Receipts for May totaled $28,206.55. Disbursements totaled $8,782.88. The ending checkbook balance, as of May 31, 2017, was $80,020.50, and a Total Balance of $224,749.58. T. McKeever moved to approve the treasurer’s report as presented. R. Anderson seconded. Motion carried.

T. McKeever moved to approve claims for checks #4105-4126 in the amount of $4,135.34. R. Anderson seconded. Motion carried.

Lodging tax debit slip of $561.58 for May was approved and signed.

Fire & Rescue: C. Muggley reported that while we can change the benefit level annually, that whatever level we have when we switch to PERA, is in effect for the first 5 years. R. Anderson recommended going in at the current $1300 level and raising it to $1500 after enrollment in PERA. This would be an incentive for current members to stay on for at least 5 years as well as encouragement for new members to join. R. Anderson moved to approve Resolution 2017-04, a resolution opting to join the Voluntary Statewide Lump-sum Volunteer Firefighter Retirement Plan, administered by PERA, at the $1300 benefit level. T. McKeever seconded. Motion carried unanimously. T. McKeever moved to express our intent to raise the benefit level to $1500 after Jan. 1, 2018. R. Anderson seconded. Motion carried.

Road and Bridge: R. Anderson reported that water is pooling by the parking lot entrance and seeping under the asphalt. They will fill in the hole and try some ditching to solve the problem. Visibility is limited by brush and trees at the north end of Sugarloaf. Karl C. will trim them back. Sugarloaf Rd. was graded last week. Discussed options of what to do with the plow truck and grader, 1) keep and use them as we are now, 2) sell both and contract with the County or private individuals, 3) trade the plow truck for a smaller truck which would also replace the Fire Dept. brush truck. No action taken. MnDOT has fixed the stop sign at Hwy 61 & Sugarloaf Rd. They will also replace the culvert there, when they are working in the area.

Cemetery: nothing

Recreation: It is still too wet to fix the ball park fence. Discussed brushing the landing at Dyers Lake. Even though the Township maintains a dock there, we do not own the property. Bruce will contact the County to see if they will brush it or give us permission.

Maintenance: Karl C. will fix the retaining wall and install the township sign.

Clerk asked for the Supervisor’s recommendation to the voters for the 2018 tax levy. After reviewing the possible receipts and expenditures, they recommended the 2018 levy be set at $55,000.

Correspondence: Sent

Received  Firewise report, Lamb’s solid waste site renewal notice

R. Anderson moved to recommend approval of re-permitting Lamb’s solid waste site 614. T. McKeever seconded. Motion carried. T. McKeever moved to request True North to provide a phone directory listing for all their patrons. R. Anderson seconded. Motion carried.

Public Comments: none

T. McKeever moved to adjourn. R. Anderson seconded. Motion carried. Adjourned at 10:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Doug Schwecke, Clerk