Minutes for Regular Board Meeting of Nov. 12, 2013

Present: Supervisors, Tina McKeever, Roger McKeever, Deb Johnson; Clerk, Doug Schwecke; Treasurer, Alicia Kangas; Fire Chief, Phil Bonin; Commissioner, Bruce Martinson, and residents of Schroeder.

The meeting was called to order by T. McKeever at 7:00PM.

  1. McKeever moved to approve the minutes of Oct. 8, 2013. D. Johnson seconded. Minutes approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Receipts for Oct. totaled $7,917.36, which includes $6,035.02 of State Aid for Fire Relief.. Disbursements totaled $21,744.29. The ending checkbook balance as of Nov. 1 was $29,519.53. R. McKeever moved to approve the treasurer’s report. D. Johnson seconded. Treasurer’s Report was approved.

  1. McKeever moved to approve checks #3154-3171 in the amount of $7,971.30. D. Johnson seconded. Motion passed.

Lodging tax debit slip for $3,943.01 was approved and signed.

Commissioner Martinson: Bruce mentioned that MnDOT would be doing a mill and overlay on Hyw 61 between Co. Rds.34 & 7. Commissioners have all received a lot of calls about the hiring of the Highway Dept. supervisor’s son for a position in that department. No new news on the status of the cell towers. Thank-you to Bruce for pushing to get the Gitchi-Gammi Trail extended to the wayside rest parking area. A letter of thanks will be sent to DNR as well.

The concept plans for improvements at Baraga’s Cross Park were presented by Greg Miron. Preliminary cost estimates have been received. Issues addressed by these improvements include erosion of shoreline and river, ADA accessibility of park and toilet, and highlight the history of the area. Concerns about various aspects of the project were brought up by property owners, both present and by 2 letters read at the meeting. The main concerns were 1) increased maintenance costs for restrooms, trash and garbage, and parking area 2) increased traffic on road increasing costs and safety concerns 3) increased liability insurance cost 4) what are the benefits for property owners and residents 5) permanent structures will damage natural beauty of the area 6) fire pit would keep people later than the 10 PM closing time and could be a hazard if left unattended 7) not enough notice to the public 8) how was committee selected, 9) grants rarely cover maintenance costs. The Board responded that this whole process started with people at an Annual Meeting asking if improvements could be made to the park. Concerned citizens volunteered to look into possible improvements. Grant money was secured to develop concept and construction plans and costs. That is where we are at now. Any actual construction plans would be brought up at the Annual Meeting for discussion and approval, and would probably be tied to availability of grant money. B. Martinson said he would contact Rob Egge of MnDOT to conduct a safety review of the road.

SAHS-Linda Lamb reported that on Nov. 23 there would be a holiday event and quilt raffle. Next year they would host a traveling exhibit featuring the Ojibwe Nation. Also they are trying to put together an art exhibit featuring local lumberjack Godfry Dahl. They are seeking a historical designation for CRHC. Since it is the Township’s building they are asking for permission to proceed. R. McKeever moved to grant permission to seek a historical designation for CRHC. Second by D. Johnson. Motion passed.

Fire and Rescue: Phil reported that they have gotten the new 800 MHz radios providing statewide coverage paid for by the county. The old radios are still needed as the Forest Service and DNR have not converted yet. Also new pagers were covered by a DNR grant. Otherwise quiet with no fire calls and few rescue calls.

Road and Bridge: Have received a bid from Brad Anderson for brushing Sugarloaf Rd. for $800. R. McKeever moved to approve having Brad Anderson brush Sugarloaf Rd. for $800. Second by D. Johnson. Motion passed. Brushing Baraga Cross Rd. will be done next year after landowners are contacted, as the current easement allows access only to the bottom of the ditch. Snow plowing bids were opened. Curt Laboda was the only one bidding on Sugarloaf Rd. at $200/event, the same as last year. Bidding on Skou, Tote and Baraga Rds. and the Town Hall parking lot were Greg Johnson, Flyod Johnson, and Karl Crawford. After comparing bids, R. McKeever moved to accept Curt Laboda’s bid for Sugarloaf Rd. of $200/event, and the low bid for the rest, Carl Krawford’s, of $185/3”event plus $25 for shoveling steps and doorways, for the coming year. Second by T. McKeever. Motion passed with D. Johnson abstaining. R.M. will try to get the culvert cleared once more before freeze up.

Cemetery: Nothing new.

Recreation: Nothing new.

Maintenance: Nothing new.

Other Business: The Wanous/Dyer Lake cartway request was brought up. B. Martinson said he would check with the Recorder’s Office to see why the old easement was removed. A request to post the agenda for upcoming meetings was discussed. Clerk said most items were added to the agenda the last day or two before or at the meeting, but would try posting an agenda as is.

Correspondence: Sent– Approval of liquor license for Temperance Traders

                        Received-letters concerning park update from Palmer family and Edna Granlund

  1. McKeever moved to adjourn. D. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:35

Respectfully submitted,

Doug Schwecke, Clerk