Minutes for Regular Meeting of June 9, 2015

Present:  Supervisors, Tina McKeever, Roger McKeever, Bruce Martinson; Clerk, Doug Schwecke; Treasurer, Alicia Kangas; Fire Chief, Phil Bonin; Commissioner, Ginny Storlie; Assistant Clerk, Gale Ring; residents of Schroeder.

The meeting was called to order by T. McKeever at 7:00P.M.

The agenda for June 09, 2015 was presented.  B. Martinson moved to approve agenda as presented.  R. McKeever seconded.  Motion carried

The minutes of May 11, 2015 were presented.  D. Schwecke stated that the word “resolution” should be changed to “motion” regarding the supervisors’ approval of purchase of an air compressor for the fire department.  R. McKeever moved to approve the minutes of May 11, 2015 with the correction. B. Martinson seconded.  Minutes approved with correction.

Treasurer’s Report:  Receipts for May totaled $ 77.59.  Disbursements totaled $3199.42.  Ending checkbook balance as of May 31, 2015 was $49,335.95.  R. McKeever moved to approve the Treasurer’s report.  B. Martinson seconded.  Treasurer’s Report approved.  T. McKeever moved to approve transferring $8,000.00 from checking to the money market account. B. Martinson seconded. Motion carried. R. McKeever moved to approve checks 3553- 3574 in the amount of $3,919.64.  B. Martinson seconded.  Motion carried.

Lodging Tax debit slip for April in the amount of $409.26 was approved and signed.

Commissioner Storlie:  noted that the West End Clinic will not have any hours for the months of June, July, or August. Reported on condition and maintenance of county roads. Stated that the county is nearly finished setting up their new process for handling requests for non-mandated funding.  They hope to have the forms and process completed by the end of July.  Currently there is no cap on how much the county gives out in non-mandated funding but on average it is usually around one million each year.  Working on updating the sign ordinance.


Discussion of requests for donation, legality and procedural issues:  T. McKeever reported on the second informal discussion between Tofte Supervisor P. James, Schroeder Supervisor T. McKeever, the outgoing school director, the current director, a number of School Board members, Tofte Clerk, B. Gervais and Schroeder Asst Clerk, G. Ring.  It has been agreed that the townships will review the finances of the school twice a year—July and November.

Birch Grove Foundation:  The new president, Coralyn Koschinshka introduced herself and invited the board and all residents to contact her with questions and concerns regarding the function and future of the BGF in the West End.

SAHS:  J. Gregg mentioned that they are still working on changing the state ruling for support they can receive from the township.  Their main exhibit this year will be on area resorts, past and present. Their Lundie Tour fund raiser will be July 11.  R. Anderson asked about the 99 year lease and how it affects township support.  B. Christ responded as a representative for SAHS.

Sugar Loaf Cove Assoc:  represented by Greg Koschinska.  He mentioned their help with controlling invasive weeds in the area.  They have an annual meeting in August.

Fire and Rescue: Had a meeting last evening.  There were two calls and a few false calls, smoke alarms.  There were 5 -6 rescue calls.  They are working to bring their by-laws in line with the State of Minnesota’s requirements.  He is still shopping for the air compressor for the fire hall. He will discuss the proposed increase in compensation of $15/hr. for fire calls and $10/meeting with the members.

Road and Bridge:  R. McKeever noted that the roads were better than he would have thought after the hard winter.  Sugar Loaf Road in particular has held up well.  R. Anderson and his committee have not begun their five year plan.  County business and the weather have held up progress.  R. McKeever inspected and approved out a new driveway on Sugar Loaf Rd. put in by Jason Hill for Joan Wayteke.


Cemetery:   B. Martinson stated that he has been working with Linda Twedt who has an entire block in the cemetery.  We do not have a copy of her deed however, and half of that block was sold to the Bonin family.  The township will award the Bonin’s a new half block. B. Martinson moved to sell Block 10, plot 5, to Flyod Johnson for $1. R. McKeever seconded. Motion carried. Bruce and Clerks will work on clearing up any other problems and updating the records.

Recreation:  Discussed and approved getting rid of old tennis court poles.

Maintenance:  Sewer seems to be moving sluggishly in the fire hall R. McKeever suggested the pump might be set on slow and couldn’t handle the large party that took place in May.  Also, the lines might have still been partially frozen in mid May when this happened.  B. Martinson reported that he replaced the bolts in the swing set.  One bracket broke and needs to be replaced.

Other Business:  G. Ring reported that G. Johnson said that he could pull up the area behind the welcome walls and reseed.  The price would be around 350 to 400 dollars. T. McKeever moved to approve.  B. Martinson seconded.  Motion carried. B. Martinson is working on Schroeder Economic Development Fund.  A. Kangas stated that name should be changed.  D. Schwecke stated that the name has to stay as is until the continuation of the annual meeting in Aug.  In the meantime, B. Martinson will work on getting a clearer sense from IRRRB what the township can and cannot do with these funds.

Cook County Land Use Plan:  T. McKeever noted that a draft will be ready next week and is fairly certain that it may be accessed on the county’s website. Schroeder’s plan has been reviewed and B. Martinson mentioned that dates should be changed to keep it current.   Both will be brought up at the continuation meeting in Aug.

Don & Gale Ring offered to donate a walk behind snow blower to the Township.  T .McKeever moved to accept it with thanks. R. McKeever seconded. Motion carried

Correspondence: Sent: letters about improved signage at Tac Harbor, thank you to T. Dwyer

Received: CC Planning&Zoning re: Temperance Landing Dev Conditional Use Permit, Demographics letter showing we have 210 people in Schroeder and 102 households, newsletter from BGF

  1. Martinson moved to adjourn. R. McKeever seconded. Motion carried. Adjourned at 9:02.

Respectfully submitted,

Doug Schwecke, Schroeder Township Clerk