Minutes for Regular Board Meeting of Nov. 11, 2014

Present: Supervisors, Tina McKeever, Roger McKeever (arrived partway through ), Deb Johnson; Clerk, Doug Schwecke; Treasurer; Alicia Kangas, Fire Chief, Phil Bonin; Asst. Clerk Gale Ring, Commissioner Bruce Martinson, and residents of Schroeder.

The meeting was called to order by T. McKeever at 7:00 PM. D. Johnson moved to approve the minutes from the regular Board meeting of Oct.14, 2014. T. McKeever seconded. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Receipts for Oct. totaled $6,372.22. Disbursements totaled $24,303.21. The ending checkbook balance as of Oct. 31 was $40,742.53. D. Johnson moved to approve the treasurer’s report. T. McKeever seconded. Treasurer’s Report was approved. D. Johnson moved to approve checks #3406-3425 in the amount of $9,124.15, and check # 3404-3405 in the amount of 572.87 (replaced voided checks# 3393-3394 for the same amount). T. McKeever seconded. Motion carried.

Lodging tax debit slip for $4,202,97 was approved and signed.

Commissioner Martinson: Bruce reported that the Commissioners had not met because of Veterans Day. He would not be seeking a recount and that Ginny Storlie would take over as Commissioner in January. He recommended the Board send a letter to the Forest Service encouraging them to keep all forest roads in Cook County open to vehicle traffic, as a study is now underway with the intent of closing some roads due to increasing maintenance costs. T. McKeever moved to have the Clerk send a letter stating our concerns and opposition to the closing of any forest roads in Cook County. Seconded by D. Johnson. Motion carried.

SAHS- Judy Gregg told us CRHC was now closed for the season except for their Holiday Bazaar on Nov. 22. She asked the Board, that since SAHS, a 501C non-profit, leases the building from the Township and they serve the residents of Schroeder as well as tourists, to consider including SAHS as a line item in their budget, which would avoid a donation request each year. The Board will look into the legality of such an arrangement. G. Ring will check old minutes to learn the nature of the lease agreement.

Fire and Rescue: Phil reported they had their monthly meeting last night. A couple calls last month, a chimney fire and an accident. The tile work in the shower has not been done as the contractor never returned his call, might also reconfigure the rooms at the same time, springtime.

Cemetery: Deb and Gale have been working on updating the roster and will update computer program as well. Greg Johnson will be asked to trim trees at his convenience, so perimeter road can be moved back where it belongs.

Recreation: Discussion on how to proceed now that the park improvement plans have been finalized. Tina will meet with Greg Miron to break the entire project into smaller projects. These will be presented at the Annual Meeting and include timeline, estimated construction costs, maintenance costs, and benefits to the Township. It was recommended that all residents be notified before this meeting to get a fair response to the different projects.  Board would not support looking into grants until after the voters have expressed their desire.

Maintenance: One outside light, owned by Arrowhead, has been replaced with an LED one. Clerk will check on ownership of the other light. Resident asked that the swivels on the swing set be checked as they look all rusted. Put on the agenda for spring. Clerk to contact someone for an annual furnace check-up.

 Road and Bridge: No bids were received for plowing Sugarloaf Rd. Clerk is to contact Dwyer and Laboda to see if they are interested. The proposed plowing guidelines were discussed and will be revised by Tina. Purchase of a snowblower for the Townhall was discussed. No action was taken. T. McKeever moved to approve the contract with Karl Crawford for snow removal at the Townhall, Skou Rd, Baraga Cross Rd, and Schroeder Tote Rd, with the changes that were discussed. R. McKeever seconded. Motion carried. Gale will let Karl know of any events happening at the Townhall.

Other Business: R. McKeever moved to sign a Certificate of Support for the renovation project at North Shore Hospital and Care Center. D. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. T. McKeever moved to approve a resolution electing Allen Olsen, Dave Rude, and Paul James to the Board of Managers of TSSSD. D. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. TSSSD Board members Bruce Martinson and Charles Muggley reported on present activities, one of which is to promote new sources of septic pumping, which would lower costs and encourage better septic care. Work on a website has stalled. T. McKeever moved to hire Lavona Czaplicki to help get Township website designed and running. R. McKeever seconded. Motion carried. Noted  that a bingo set donated to Birch Grove Foundation should be available to any group for community events

  1. McKeever moved to adjourn. D. Johnson seconded. Motion carried.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:16.

Respectfully submitted,


Doug Schwecke, Clerk