SCHROEDER TOWNSHIP                                                                                                                                          Minutes of the Annual Meeting of March 12, 2013

  1. 1. The Annual Town Meeting was called to order at 8:06 PM by Clerk Doug Schwecke
  2. Clerk led about 35 people in attendance in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Marion McKeever nominated Phil Bonin as Moderator. Roger McKeever moved to close nominations. Deb Johnson seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
  4. Marion McKeever moved to approve the agenda as presented. Skip Lamb seconded. Motion carried.
  5. Commissioner Bruce Martinson began his report with a request that the voters approve a resolution in support of Mn. Power’s electric generation plant at Taconite Harbor. Skip Lamb moved to adopt the following resolution; The voters at the March 12, 2013 Annual Schroeder Township Meeting do hereby resolve that we support Minnesota Power’s EnergyForward strategy and the recommendations outlined in the Integrated Resource Plan filing. We strongly support Minnesota Power’s plan to keep Units 1 and 2 operational at Taconite Harbor Energy Center while complying with all EPA and Mn State Pollution Standards. Tina McKeever seconded. Resolution passed unanimously.
  6. Harry Johnson moved to send a letter to Lake County Commissioners asking them to consider allowing ATV traffic on the right sides of Lake Co. Rds. 7 & 8 lying west of the Lake/Cook County line. Floyd Johnson seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
  7. Comm. Martinson then reported on some County issues including increased security at the Courthouse, cell tower south of Schroeder is up but not operational yet, the Community Center plans are being redone to keep it within budget and now looks close to the 2009 plans, best scenario is for an annual operating loss of $100,000.
  8. 8. Roger McKeever moved to approve the minutes of the Annual Meeting of March 13, 2012 and the Continuation of Aug. 13,2012 as presented. Linda Lamb seconded. Motion carried.
  9. Treasurer Alicia Kangas presented the annual Treasurer’s Report showing a beginning balance of $150,441.15, receipts of $188,251.68,which includes a loan from Cook Co. of $80,000, disbursements of $209,204.51, which includes the purchase of the new pumper truck and plow truck, which left an ending balance of $129,488.32. Skip Lamb moved to approve the Treas. Report as presented. Roger McKeever seconded. Motion carried.
  10. Alicia then presented the IRRRB Storefront Loan Program showing a bank balance of $46,960.66, one outstanding loan of $41,727.86, for a total of $88,588.52.
  11. Election results were announced showing Tina McKeever receiving 24 votes for Supervisor, no opposition, and Alicia Kangas receiving 24 votes for Treasurer,also with no opposition.
  12. Supervisor Roger McKeever presented the Road Report. All roads appear to be in good shape at present, we’ll see what the spring melt brings. Also we will be receiving state gas tax money every year now as we no longer have to levy a certain percentage to be eligible, as we did in the past. A separate fund will be set up for this as the money can only be used for road maintenance.
  13. Supervisor Deb Johnson presenting the Cemetery Report stated that everything was pretty quiet. Some ditching was done last fall to alleviate a erosion problem.
  14. Supervisor Tina McKeever reported on Recreation mentioning that the ball park was in good shape, Port-a-lets will be rented for the summer, beginning in May, for the ball park and Harbor Park, and the dock will again be put in at Dyers Lake. Additional work at Harbor Park will be reported on in item 20.
  15. Fire Chief Phil Bonin reported that there are currently 11 members. Additional members would be nice as we would lose state aid if we drop below 10. Also personal property insurance premiums could increase. With the addition of the new pumper we now have 3 trucks, including 2 pumpers with a 5000 gal. water carrying capacity. There were 8 calls in 2012.
  16. Phil also read the Rescue Squad report prepared by Chief Louisa Trachta. They began the year with 12 members but are down to 10 now. There were 52 calls in 2012, with 34 being from Tofte and 18 from Schroeder.

17.The 2013 Budget, which was approved by the Supervisors in Feb. was presented as follows: General-$34,000 (plus any donations approved by the voters tonight), Road & Bridge-$20,000, Cemetery-$3,000, Recreation-$4,000, Fire Dept.-$23,000, Rescue Squad-$10,440, TOTAL-$94,440 (plus donations).

18.Donation requests to be considered were; SAHS-$10,000, Birch Grove School-$5,000, Birch Grove Foundation-$3,500, Sugarloaf-$1,000, Tofte (July 4th celebration)-$1,500,  Total-$21,000. Skip Lamb moved to approve donations of $21,000. No second. Discussion followed weighing the benefits to the Township against the additional cost, with many expressing their views. Skip Lamb again moved to approve donations of $21,000. Linda Lamb seconded. A call for a show of hands showed 10 ayes, 12 nays. Motion failed. Carol Tveekrem moved to reduce all requests by 15%. No second. Alicia Kangas moved to remove Sugarloaf, reduce Tofte to $1,000, and reduce the rest by 10%, for a total of $17,650. Don McKeever seconded. A show of hands showed 22 ayes and   2 nays. Motion carried.

  1. Roger McKeever moved to table setting the Levy until a continuation of this meeting in August of this year. Tina McKeever seconded. Motion carried.
  2. Jim Norvell reported on work that was done at Harbor Park, trail work, plantings, brush removal, and general clean up. It looks very nice. With grant money from Minnesota’s Lake Superior Coastal Program they are now in the process of producing a concept drawing and long term plan for improvements at the park.
  3. Roger McKeever had some information on the proposed improvements at Temperance River Wayside. There will be a public hearing at 6:30 PM on April 11 at the Schroeder Town Hall where more information will be available.
  4. Roger McKeever moved to designate the Cook County News Herald to be the Newspaper of Record. Skip Lamb seconded. Motion carried.
  5. Roger McKeever moved to set the time for the next Annual Meeting to be 8:01PM March 11, 2014. Linda Lamb seconded. Motion carried.
  6. Tina McKeever moved to set the Annual Election Poll hours at 5-8 PM.Gale Ring seconded. Motion carried.
  7. 25. Phil Bonin nominated Jim Norvell as Citizen of the Year. Linda Lab seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

26.Skip Lamb moved to adopt the following resolution; Whereas the USPO plans to close an estimated 3700 post offices and several mail processing centers, Whereas Minnesota Power, a 225 mega-watt power plant, relies on the Schroeder Post Office for mail service, Whereas Several tourism businesses, construction businesses, two private gravel operations, a solid waste site, logging operations, Cleveland Cliff’s ore dock, and year-round residents of Schroeder rely on the Schroeder Post Office for mail services, Therefore be it resolved that the Citizens of Schroeder Township strongly support keeping its current Post Office, along with the current hours, Postmaster and staff. Second by Roger McKeever. Motion carried unanimously.

  1. Citizen concerns; Plans to clean up the Welcome Walls was discussed. Most were in favor of removing existing plants and WEEDS and planting a ground cover to reduce maintenance. Some help from residents will be needed. Board is looking into replacing the old flagpole at the Town Hall.
  2. Roger McKeever moved to continue the Annual Meeting to Aug. 13, 2013, 7 PM at the Schroeder Town Hall. Second by Deb Johnson. Motion carried.

Meeting was recessed at 10:14 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Doug Schwecke, Clerk

Phil Bonin, Moderator



Minutes of the continuation of the 2013 Annual Meeting

The meeting was called to order by Moderator Tina McKeever at 7 PM on August 12, 2013.

The only item of business was to approve the 2014 Tax Levy for Schroeder Township.

Expected expenses for 2014 remained the same as 2013, $94,440, not considering any donations to be approved at the 2014 Annual Meeting. The expected pre-Levy receipts for 2014 should be $77,390, an increase of about $4,500, due to a new State Aid. This leaves about $17,000 to be covered by the Levy. In addition, any donations would have to be added to that amount. Many residents expressed concern over the 50% increase in the 2013 Levy. The operating expenses have been pretty steady, so to reduce them, services would need to be reduced as well. Therefore donations were discussed. Some felt that while the organizations that have received donations in the past are worthwhile, they should be made by individuals not the Township. Others felt that these organizations did serve a public good and should be supported by the Township, but that a limit should be set on how much the Township donated as a total. Bruce Martinson moved to set the 2014 Levy for Schroeder Township at $34,700. Second was by Linda Lamb. After more discussion the motion was called. A show of hands showed 8 ayes and 6 nays. Motion carried.

Roger McKeever moved to adjourn. Second by Alicia Kangas. Motion carried.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Doug Schwecke, Clerk

Tina McKeever, Moderator