July 2015


                Minutes for Regular Meeting of July 14, 2015

Present:  Supervisors Roger McKeever, Bruce Martinson; Clerk, Doug Schwecke; Treasurer, Alicia Kangas; Fire Chief, Phil Bonin; Commissioner, Ginny Storlie; Assistant Clerk, Gale Ring; residents of Schroeder.

Absent: Supervisor Tina McKeever

The meeting was called to order by R. McKeever at 7:00P.M.

The agenda for July 14, 2015 was presented. BGF and road inventory report were added.            B. Martinson moved to approve agenda as amended.  R. McKeever seconded.  Motion carried.

The minutes of June 9, 2015, 2015 were presented. B. Martinson moved to approve the minutes of June 9, 2015. R. McKeever seconded.  Minutes approved.

Treasurer’s Report:  Receipts for June totaled $21,271.73.  Disbursements totaled $3,919.64.  Ending checkbook balance as of June 30, 2015 was $58,497.31.  B. Martinson moved to approve the Treasurer’s report.  R. McKeever seconded.  Treasurer’s Report approved.  B. Martinson moved to approve checks 3576- 3598 in the amount of $4,022.89.  R. McKeever seconded.  Motion carried.

Lodging Tax debit slip for May in the amount of $1,560.72 was approved and signed.

Commissioner Storlie:  noted that the newly hired county administrator, Jeff Cadwell, has started work. A public hearing on proposed changes to the ATV ordinance will be on July 28. Changes mostly affect opening sections of Gunflint Trail to ATV traffic. Broadband Initiative is applying for a $25,000 grant from the Blandin Foundation to create hotspots and teleconferencing throughout the county for public access and co-working areas in Grand Marais. MN Power units 1&2 at Tac Harbor will be idled in the fall of 2016. MN Power will offer employees the option to transfer to other sites and will work with the communities on future development strategies for the site.

Birch Grove Foundation: Coralyn Koschinshka presented the Board with a funding request of $11,000 to be considered at the Continuation of the Annual meeting in Aug. under a different statute than in March. Discussion on the need for and scope of services provided.

SAHS:  Linda Lamb mentioned that the statute covering funding by the Township did not get amended in the last state legislation session. 75 people went on the Lundie Cabin tour this year. It is their major fundraising event. John Schroeder Days will be Aug. 15. Have purchased a new solar light for the Veteran Memorial flagpole.

Fire and Rescue: Had a meeting last evening.  There were two calls, both false, no fires.  There were 5 -6 rescue calls. They are still shopping for an air compressor. They’re working to bring their by-laws in line with the State of Minnesota’s requirements. Looking at finding different management for the pension fund. Recruiting new members is a challenge as there is a pretty small pool to recruit from. He will discuss the proposed increase in compensation of $15/hr. for fire calls and $10/meeting with the members.

Road and Bridge:  Rick Anderson gave a first report for the road inventory committee. Dave Betts and Russ Klegstad from Cook County hwy. dept. toured the roads with committee members, Rick Anderson, Charlie Muggley and Bruce Martinson. Most of the road surfaces are in good condition, but there are some areas that will need attention before too long. Asphalt surfaces are in good shape for their age, except for a few spots that need repair. They should have a mill & overlay in 3-5 yrs. Gravel surfaces are good, but some areas need additional gravel. The 2 5 ft. culverts in Sugarloaf River are in good shape but span more than 10 ft. so are considered a bridge which might require inspection reporting. Two other culverts on Sugarloaf Rd. have open tops and need replacement ASAP. Not all culverts have been found yet and work will continue. Some signage may need to be updated. Complete report will be on file in clerk’s office.


Cemetery: The planter needs to be fixed. Bruce will be check to see what needs to be done. There are deeds on file for about half of the plots in the cemetery. Clerks will keep working on updating records. B. Martinson moved to approve deed to Greg and Deb Johnson family for plots 2,3 & 4 in Block 8.R. McKeever seconded. Motion carried.

Recreation:  Bruce has replaced the hardware on the swing set. Discussed putting additional wood chips around the swing set.

Maintenance: One cap on the sewer line is cracked and needs to be replaced. Approval was given to have the town hall floors waxed twice a year.

Other Business: Skip Lamb reported on Birch Grove School. Two teachers and additional paras have been hired and enrollment looks to be in the low 20’s for the upcoming year. He thanked the Township for their support in the past. Links to the proposed Cook County Land Use Plan and Schroeder Township Land Use Plan are on the Township website. B. Martinson and C. Muggley have been researching disbanding from TSSSD. Discussion on proceeding. They will continue working on this. Gale Ring reported that we had 16 people working the Welcome Walls, including 6 from the Lutsen Alpine Ski Team, during our community clean-up day. Thank yous to be sent to the Sherriff’s Dept. for sending 2 squads for traffic control and to the ski team. Clerk presented an estimate for the 2016 budget to help determine the needed tax levy next month. Discussed amounts needed. Decided Road & Bridge should stay at $35,000.

Correspondence: Sent:

Received: Dept. of Revenue

  1. Martinson moved to adjourn. R. McKeever seconded. Motion carried. Adjourned at 9:43.

Respectfully submitted,

Doug Schwecke, Schroeder Township Clerk