Sept. 11, 2018

                          SCHROEDER TOWNSHIP

      Minutes for Regular Board Meeting of Sept. 11, 2018  

Present: Supervisors, Tina McKeever, Bruce Martinson, Rick Anderson; Clerk Doug Schwecke; Treasurer Carla Menssen; Fire Chief Phil Bonin, Dep. Clerk Gale Ring and residents of Schroeder. Absent: Commissioner Storlie

The meeting was called to order by B. Martinson at 7:00 PM.

R. Anderson moved to approve the agenda. T. McKeever seconded. Motion carried.

R. Anderson moved to approve the minutes of Aug 15, 2018 regular meeting as amended. T. McKeever seconded. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Carla Menssen reported-Receipts for August totaled $1,178.12. Disbursements totaled $6,617.40. The ending checkbook balance, as of Aug 31, 2018, was $56,135.30, and a Total Balance of $190,872.53. We have received the second half of our taconite tax in Sept., so we will have enough in checking to cover expenditures for Sept. T. McKeever moved to approve the treasurer’s report. R. Anderson seconded. Motion carried.

T. McKeever moved to approve checks #4415-4435 in the amount of $83,615.78. R. Anderson seconded. Motion carried. This includes $79,659 for the paving projects.

Lodging tax debit slip for July 2018 in the amount of $7,068.34 was approved and signed.

Fire Dept: Phil reported they had a meeting last night. They worked on equipment and had training. Reviewed the mutual aid provided for a fire near Lutsen last month. Working on having the brake lines on #2 pumper replaced. They have changed the name on their checking acct. from Fire Relief to Firefighter Fund, since the fire relief has been transferred to PERA.  The employee safety handbooks were distributed to the firefighters last night and to everyone at tonight’s meeting.

Commissioner Storlie: was not present but emailed that the Commissioners unanimously approved the preliminary 2019 levy with a 5.99% increase.

Road and Bridge: Bids for snow removal were received from Karl Crawford and Curt Laboda. R. Anderson moved to accept the bids and approve 2 year contracts for snow removal for Curtis Laboda (Sugarloaf Rd.) and Karl Crawford (parking lot, bike trail, and the rest of the township roads). T. McKeever seconded. Motion carried. Reviewed the snowplowing guidelines and decided to leave them as is. The paving projects on Baraga Cross and Schroeder-Tote Rds. are done, except to add some gravel along the edges at Harbor Park. Thorsens did a good job and they should last for many years. Mark will grade Sugarloaf once more this fall. Rick talked to Mickey Brazell about brushing Sugarloaf Rd. It would cost about $1000/mile to brush in 10 feet from the road edge. T. McKeever moved to approve having Mickey Brazell brush Sugarloaf Rd. this fall if possible or else early next spring. R. Anderson seconded. Motion carried. Rick hasn’t found much interest in the sale of the grader. Rick asked for and received permission to possibly trade the grader for some gravel. Looking into purchasing a load of culverts in the off season. A visibility problem at Sugarloaf & Hwy 61 was referred to MNDOT. Karl has done a nice job brushing the townhall entrance.

Cemetery: nothing

Recreation: Reviewed the posted rules at Harbor Park. Decided to leave as is for now but install a dog waste station at the park. T. McKeever moved to purchase and install a dog waste station at Harbor Park. R. Anderson seconded. Motion carried.

Maintenance: Waiting for faucets to be installed.

Other Business: TSSSD- The sewer board passed the same resolution for Schroeder’s detachment. Now the resolutions need to be published, signed and sent to MPCA. No timeline on when MPCA would act on it. Tina is arranging a meeting between all three townships regarding financial support for Birch Grove Community Center. MNDOT has declined our request to provide hand sanitizers in the wayside restrooms. Discussed the situation at Lamb’s trailer park. Decided that while the Board sympathizes with everyone involved, this is not township business.

Correspondence: Sent

Received letter informing about International Day of Peace

Public Comments: none

R. Anderson moved to adjourn. T. McKeever seconded. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:25 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Doug Schwecke, Clerk