Minutes for Regular Board Meeting of Sept 10, 2013

Present: Supervisors, Tina McKeever, Roger McKeever, Deb Johnson; Clerk, Doug Schwecke; Treasurer, Alicia Kangas; Asst. Clerk, Gale Ring; Fire Chief, Phil Bonin; Commissioner, Bruce Martinson, and residents of Schroeder.

The meeting was called to order by T. McKeever at 7:00PM.

  1. McKeever moved to approve the minutes of Aug 12, 2013. D. Johnson seconded. Minutes approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Receipts for Aug. totaled $38,310.79, which includes 2nd half of the Taconite Production Tax monies. Disbursements totaled $6,511.46. The ending checkbook balance as of Sept 1 was $46,966.57. R. McKeever moved to approve the treasurer’s report. D. Johnson seconded. Treasurer’s Report was approved.

  1. McKeever moved to approve checks #3107-3129 in the amount of $3,851.09. D. Johnson seconded. Motion passed.

Lodging tax debit slip for $4,173.34 was approved and signed.

The revised concept plans for Father Baraga Park were presented by Jim Norvell and Skip Lamb. Changes included regrading the hillside to allow the picnic shelter and vault toilet to be tucked somewhat into the hillside. This, along with low thicket plantings, would help alleviate concerns about sight lines for property owners above the park. It was suggested to change the signage for the boat launch to be a canoe & kayak launch site. Citizen concerns regarding increased usage, road issues, and maintenance costs were brought up and discussed. It was noted that additional public meetings for this would be held, and everyone should watch for notices to be posted at the Town Hall, Post Office, and Temperance Traders, as well as the paper and radio.

Commissioner Martinson: Bruce mentioned that Lake County would be holding a Public Hearing at 6PM on Sept. 24 at the Finland Rec. Center to discuss allowing ATV use on Lake County Roads 7 & 8. He urged everyone interested to attend. A Public Hearing on the proposed changes to Cook County’s septic ordinance would be held at the Courthouse at 6PM on Sept 25. R. McKeever moved to request the County to hold additional hearings through-out the county to better inform the public, and to donate use of the Town Hall if they would hold one here. D. Johnson seconded. Motion passed. The Commissioners set the levy for next year at 2.9%, but the hospital district was looking to more than double theirs. The Truth in Taxation meeting is scheduled for 6PM, Dec. 3, at the Courthouse.

SAHS-Linda Lamb reported that John Schroeder Days in Aug. was well attended. Sept. 21 marks the 10 year anniversary for the building. Sept. 26 will be wine tasting event. This will be the ninth year for the quilt raffle.

Fire and Rescue: Phil reported that they serve about 80 at the pancake breakfast held in conjunction with J. S.Days. A DNR grant for matching funds of $1500 has been approved, and will be used for fire extinguishers, personnel tags, and more new hose. Due to forced retirements they might drop below 10 members. He mentioned that there is a locked gate across Zeke’s Rd. After discussion, it was decided that since Zeke’s Rd. is a private road there wasn’t anything the Township could do about it, but would try to notify property owners through the paper and radio that fire and ambulance could not serve those properties.

Road and Bridge: Beaver remain a problem on Sugarloaf Rd, with 13 having been removed so far. Bids for snowplowing will be discussed at the Nov. meeting. A number of culverts need to be replaced next year, as well as brushing the ditches.

Cemetery: The grave warmer that has been stored at Silvers, needs a new home. Will try to make room in Fire Hall storeroom. Water tank needs to be drained before first hard freeze.

Recreation: Port-a-lets will be removed after MEA week-end. The dock at Dyer’s Lake as well.

Maintenance: Dripping faucet in the ladies bathroom needs to be fixed. Will contact Karl to fix or County Plumbing to replace. Welcome Walls are looking good now, and will try to get them mulched yet this fall.

Other Business: Requested that a thank you be sent to MNDOT for finally getting the ditch on 61 by Taconite Harbor cleaned out.

Correspondence: Sent– Levy certification, mailing list to EDA

                        Received-MPCA(soil composting), MN UI letter, Diane Silver, NMSDP grant, Mn.Revenue, MnSure

  1. Johnson moved to adjourn. R. McKeever seconded. Motion carried.

Adjourned at 8:36 PM

Respectfully submitted,


Doug Schwecke, Clerk